Saturday, January 5, 2008

Life After Razzbearies, ACES, and the Mountains

"The News of Our Deaths Was Greatly Exaggerated"

If anyone had told us we would be living in Las Vegas five years ago, we would have said that they were crazy. The desert? The heat? No trees? No way Jose!

Hmmm. Funny how things work out.

I (Tracie) also could not have imagined a life without Razzbearies five years ago. Now I cannot imagine a life WITH Razzbearies. I still have the occasional nightmare where I think I'm late, the shop has to be opened--no help has shown up, and angry caffeine deprived customers are pounding on the door. But apart from the nightmares I do not miss it and can't imagine ever doing that again. I feel like one of the Egyptian slaves after years of bondage finally experiencing freedom. (and no, I haven't made a single cinnamon roll since I left, despite everyone's begging and pleading)

Holiday Baking? Say hello to my little friends... (Sara Lee and Marie Calendar).

Well, okay I do bake a little when I feel like it. But ONLY when I feel like it. Isn't that wonderful?

To actually bake because I want to bake not because I have to fill the display case or make 100 mini muffins for a grouchy real estate agent's open house? I'm loving it.

I just got the word on Del Lago's leaving in the middle of the night. Hmm. Weren't they the same ones who vowed to drive Razzbearies out of business? Just checking. But now on to more pleasant topics.

I (Marie) am gainfully employed (no, I haven't been a total bum as this may sound) as an Accounting Manager in one of the companies Tracie and I have been tour-guiding for).

Yep, you read it right. We are those smiling folks you see at the airport with a sign...or in the front of a tour bus holding the microphone...or riding on jet skis on Lake Mead with big smiles on our faces, in awe that clients would PAY us for doing it.

Yes, we've also been the typical new transplants to this town as well. We paid too much for our home (have to live somewhere---hey, California's not cheap either), we've had a "little" fun in the casinos, eaten fantastic (and not so fantastic) food, and we've seen most of the shows on the strip ( they ARE worth it)...see, don't I make a great tour guide giving a plug for my town???

Well, enough on us for now. We have to take a moment to acknowledge and thank Kathie for her encouragement or this blog would not be.

More later...


Liann said...

Hey guys!!! So glad to see, hear, look at you! Sounds like everything is hunky dorey there and I'm so pleased. I sure miss the good times we had at our group. Oh the laughs. I hope to see more bloggin from ya'll!

Holly said...

Hey there you two! It is great to hear how well you are doing in Vegas. I too miss the fellowship of the group. Ok, I also miss the laughs. Can't wait to hear more!

Kathie said...

Good goin' girls! Sorry about the loss of sleep as you stayed up to put this together--hours disappear on the internet like nothin' else ;)

Great writing and super pics!

sally said...

so good to hear from you two

keep it up

i love the overview statement at the top of the page

miss you!